On sunday we went to one of these cheesy HD days.
I left home by noon to rejoin Gill & Pascal in Gent, at my arrival at Gill's place the trusty sportster had decided to not start, so Gill & I stripped it to find the default, when we took out the battery we saw that the + wire that goes from the battery to the starter engine had snapped.
Gill took out the cable from the Buell, put everything back together en off we were.
I think the people at these HD days are making it into a competition of how many HD branded clothing can one man wear or how may accessories can one bolt onto a stock bike.
We hung out the hole afternoon at El Cheapo's stand, then we drove back to Gent where Gill fired up the BBQ , at around midnight I took the road back to Antwerp. And was just home in time before the gates of heaven opened for some serious rain.
Gill busy with the bike
The girls watching over us

Default found putting everything back together

Gill on the way to Assenede
Wardjes bike after a few transformations

Nice outfit

In front of El Cheapo's stand

Pascal on the way back

Pascal & Gill

Pascal's & my shovels
Gill the BBQ master

Check also my other blog the
COONTAIL AWARD for the winners of this weekend.